パーティクルフィルタ 본문
Particle filters, also known as sequential Monte Carlo methods (SMC), are sophisticated model estimation techniques based on simulation. Particle filters have important applications in econometrics[1].
They are usually used to estimate Bayesian models and are the sequential ('on-line') analogue of Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) batch methods and are often similar to importance sampling methods. Well-designed particle filters can often be much faster than MCMC. They are often an alternative to the Extended Kalman filter (EKF) or Unscented Kalman filter (UKF) with the advantage that, with sufficient samples, they approach the Bayesian optimal estimate, so they can be made more accurate than either the EKF or UKF. However, when the simulated sample is not sufficiently large, they might suffer from sample impoverishment. The approaches can also be combined by using a version of the Kalman filter as a proposal distribution for the particle filter.
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Particle Filter Tutorial for Mobile Robots
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공부할때 도움되는 서적
1. Probabilistic Robotics (Intelligent Robotics and Autonomous Agents) (Hardcover)
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일본 아마존에서는 JP8,705 엔에 판매한다는 점 입니다. 아무리 물 건너 왔다 해도 이건 너무한거 아닌지 원^^;
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