[협동로봇 시스템] Robots Learn to Share, Validating Hamilton's Rule 본문


[협동로봇 시스템] Robots Learn to Share, Validating Hamilton's Rule

chobabo 2011. 5. 10. 22:42


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Hamilton's Rule
In 1964, biologist W.D. Hamilton proposed a precise set of conditions under which altruistic behavior may evolve, now known as Hamilton’s rule of kin selection. Here’s the gist: If an individual family member shares food with the rest of the family, it reduces his or her personal likelihood of survival but increases the chances of family members passing on their genes, many of which are common to the entire family. Hamilton’s rule simply states that whether or not an organism shares its food with another depends on its genetic closeness (how many genes it shares) with the other organism.

“We have shown that Hamilton’s kin selection theory always accurately predicts the relationship between the evolution of altruism and the relatedness of individuals in a species,” explains Markus Waibel, lead author of the paper and former doctoral student of both Keller and Floreano. 

Hamilton’s rule has long been a subject of much debate because its equation seems too simple to be true. “This study mirrors Hamilton’s rule remarkably well to ex-plain when an altruistic gene is passed on from one generation to the next, and when it is not,” says Keller.